Sixth Sunday After Pentecost Announcements

Next Sunday, July 11th, is our annual “Christmas in July” celebration, which marks the beginning of our “Christmas Jars”campaign that concludes in December.  Everyone is asked to begin filling a jar with spare change, small bills, or even leftover gift cards.  We will distribute the proceeds to needy families at Postma Elementary School.

During our worship service, we will be singing Christmas songs and decorating the ballroom with in red and green.  After worship, there will be a pizza lunch for everyone; this will be our first time gathering in place as a family of God to share a meal.  We hope all of you will join us!

On the 4th of July, are we honoring our country or worshiping God???
The simple answer is, “Both,” but of course – it’s not that simple.

At all our services, we ALWAYS worship our Lord.  It is because of God the Father that we have a country at all.  It is because of Jesus Christ that believers have hope for the future.  It is because of the Holy Spirit that we have the courage to speak boldly to others about salvation.  That is our consistent message.

On July 4th, we also celebrate the blessings that the Lord has given to our country.  We have learned over time that our country and its citizens have not consistently behaved in a Christian manner.  We strive to learn from our past mistakes so they will not be repeated.  We humbly ask the Lord’s blessing on our country so that we may continue to be a beacon to the world.  


  • We do not take this for granted (we must NEVER do this!).
  • We should not expect any blessings from the Lord simply because we live in the USA.
  • Rather, we strive to do our best and to continue worshiping the Lord as we continue to honor our country with honest reflection and a humble heart.
  • Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” Psalm 33:12

Remember that today is “Gold Bag Sunday” supporting Free the Captives.  This organization works to end human sexual trafficking throughout our country and the world.  Houston is considered a major hub for human trafficking, and Free the Captives works with local law enforcement to help end this scourge on our society.  Your offerings given in the gold bags on each table will support their efforts.  Thank you for your support!

Last Sunday’s tithes and offerings: $4,496 PLEASE remember to support your church – especially during the summer months. Thanks!

Last Sunday’s Deacons’ Fund offering totaled $121.00. Thank you so much for your continued support!


TODAY                        Communion Sunday

                                     Independence Day

                                     “Gold Bag Sunday” supports Free the Captives

Sunday, July 11          “Christmas in July” lunch celebration

July 11 – August 1     Choir is off for vacation

Wed. August 4             Choir practice resumes

Sunday, August 8        Synod Sunday

                                     Elder Shelley Hernandez preaches

                                     Choir returns!

Sunday, August 15      “Family Reunion Sunday”

                                       Pot Luck Lunch following worship

Monday, August 23      First Day of School in Cy-Fair ISD

Sunday, Sept. 5           Hawaiian shirt Sunday

Monday, Sept. 6           Labor Day (church office closed)

Fall 2021                         HPC Sunday school classes resume