Gold Bag Offering
Our Gold Bag Offering today is in support of The Landing, a faith-based Houston organization that walks alongside survivors of human trafficking and sexual exploitation on the path to safety and healing. The Landing operates a drop-in center on Bissonnet—a nationally known hotspot for trafficking and prostitution—that offers a safe place where trafficking victims can come to make friends, meet with a counselor, eat, and rest. The Landing encourages and empowers survivors to become independent by meeting basic needs and increasing awareness of the resources available to survivors.
How We Can Help $25 per month provides five meals at the drop-in center. $50/month provides a case management or trauma therapy session for a survivor. $100/month provides 24/7 response with an on-site advocate, crisis care packages, and transportation.
Please put December 3rd on your calendars for the Advent Potluck breakfast and Saturday, December 9th will be the ladies luncheon.