Dear Heritage Church family and friends,
Christmas is coming! The halls of The Heritage Lodge are beautifully decked in Christmas décor, our choir is putting the last touches on the Christmas Cantata, and there’s even a little nip in the air at times (well, as much as we might hope for at this time of year). With things “beginning to look a lot like Christmas,†your Session cordially invites you to celebrate Christmas at Heritage with the following special services:
- This Sunday, December 17, 10:30 AM – Hear the Christmas story in song at our Christmas Cantata, “The Greatest Gift.â€
- Sunday, December 24, 5 PM – Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
- Sunday, December 31 – 10:30 AM – Christmas Songapalooza!Dress casually, grab a hot cocoa, and enjoy you-pick-’em Christmas songs as part of our last worship service of 2023.
Come join our celebration of God’s greatest gift to mankind: Jesus Christ!
May the joy and peace of the season be with you,
Your HPC Session