12th Sunday After Pentecost

Sunday, September 10th

 Lunch immediately following our worship service  

Celebrate the end of summer

Wear Hawaiian shirts

Enjoy food, fellowship and fun with YOUR church family

During the past few months, your Session has been carefully working together as we create a strategic plan for our church.  We agree that some changes are necessary in order for our church to become a successful, growing church in the greater Cypress/North Houston area.  We have studied your responses and the data obtained from the recent congregational survey, and here are our goals we have so far:

1.  Find a location that enables us to reach out to more potential church members. (Property Committee is in charge of this goal.)

2.  Become financially healthier and more stable(Resource & Management Committee is in charge of this goal.)3.  Bring in a more diverse congregation and generate growth.(Worship, Christian Education, Mission & 

Month of August

Nominating Committee continues its work


Sunday School class:  Presbyterianism 101, 9:15AM

Worship Committee meets in the Ballroom following our service

Wednesday, August 23

Choir rehearsal: 7:00 PM in the Ballroom

Thursday, August 24

Weekly Bible Study, 12:30 via Zoom

Sunday, August 27

Sunday School class:  Presbyterianism 101, 9:15 AM

Deacon’s Sunday

Monday, August 28

First Day of School for all Cy-Fair ISD schools

Sunday, September 2

Communion Sunday

Monday, September 4

Labor Day – church office closed


End-of-Summer Bash, lunch served following worship service