August is when our Nominating Committee begins their work to find officers to serve our church.  This year we will need the following:
• Two Deacons
• Two elders on Session
o Mission & Outreach
o Resource & Management
Here is our Nominating Committee:
Chair: Elder Sally Luker
Deacon Reps: Jean Smith and Mindy Boyd
Congregational Reps: Collin Brown, Lori Yarbrough, Jim Lower
Be thinking of how you could serve your church if any of the Committee members reach out to YOU. Thank you so much!
Check us out during the week via the following messages:
- Sunday, 10:00 AM: Children’s Sermon via Facebook Live
- Sunday, 10:30 AMÂ Worship Service: Live via Zoom
- Sunday, Scripture & Sermon video (pre-recorded): link sent by email and available on the church web page
- Monday Motivation (pre-recorded): on Instagram
- Wednesday Devotional (pre-recorded): link sent by email and available on the church web page

Our regular tithes and offerings totaled $1048.86 last week   (doesn’t include on-line offerings).This DOES include $400 from the state of Texas “Unclaimed Accounts.â€Â  We discovered two long-lost accounts in our church’s name from 2007 and 2017 were on the state’s unclaimed accounts website.  The application process took months due to cutbacks in the state’s work force due to Covid-19.  However, we are thankful for extra blessings!

Zoom Worship attendance: August 16, 2020 – 33 people Thank you SO MUCH for joining us! Let us know if you need assistance in getting connecting and joining us.
Our regular Ladies Bible Study meets every Tuesday at 10:30 via Zoom. Currently, they are studying the Book of Acts. Please contact Mark for more information or if interested. Mark will need to share your email address with Kay Cronk, the teacher, but all ladies are welcomed, invited, and encouraged.
2020 HPC Staff and Church Officers
- Ministers: All the members of the church
- Pastor: Rev. Mark Plunkett
- Music Director: Nancy Kissinger
- Accompanist: Cathy Wafford
- Nursery Attendant: Elizabeth Curiel
- Church Office Administrator: Wendy Ballard
- Young Music Ministers:
- Dylan Gamble
- Keiana Kreitz
- Nina Nguyen
Core Group:
- Marguerite Lapetina
- Ann Peterson
- Jodie Smith
- Mary Vonderheidt
- Gary Wayne Whitfield
- Jean Smith, Senior Deacon (Class of 2020)
- Mindy Boyd (Class of 2020)
- Pat Schoenfelder (Class of 2021)
- Betty Brown (Class of 2022)
- Clerk: Sue Crawford
- Treasurer: Jim Lower
Ministry Team for God’s House:
- Resource & Management: Sally Luker (Class of 2020)
- Property/Church Sales Team: Chris Rigoulot (Class of 2021)
Ministry Team for God’s People:
- Fellowship & Hospitality: Jodie Smith (Class of 2021)
- Mission & Outreach: Ann Peterson (Class of 2020)
Ministry Team for God’s Word:
- Worship: Carol Beverlin (Class of 2022)
- Christian Education: Katie McMillen (Class of 2022)