Bible Study News: After a delay due to the hospitalization of her husband, Kay Cronk has resumed leading the Tuesday Bible Study.  This long-standing group meets via Zoom on Tuesday mornings at 10:30 AM.  If you are interested in joining, contact Kay at [email protected] and she will give you all the details.
Also, Pastor Mark has been working on starting a Thursday Bible study that will take place at 1:00 PM each Thursday.  So far, a small group of people have committed or expressed interest in this.  If you would like to try this one, let Pastor Mark know.
Last Sunday’s tithes and offerings = $1,965.00
Free the Captives offering = $140.00
Thank you for your generosity!

It is time for Peanut Butter and Jam 4 CAM!  Each summer we collect peanut butter and jam/jelly for the Cypress Assistance Ministry’s food bank.  This will help to feed needy children who may not receive free/ reduced meal when school is out; this summer there will most likely be more children to feed than in previous years. We will collect through June 6th.

The end of the inspection period to sell our church property approaches.  After it is done, there is only a 7-day period in which to close.  PLEASE keep our church and our future ideas in your most fervent prayer.  Without God’s support, nothing we are planning will come to proper fruition!
HPC Staff and Officers
Ministers: All the members of the church
Pastor: Rev. Mark Plunkett
Music Director: Nancy Kissinger
Accompanist: Cathy Wafford
Worship Tech Coordinator: Keiana Kreitz
Nursery Attendant/Worship Set-Up: Elizabeth Cisneros
Young Music Ministers: Dylan Gamble and Keiana Kreitz   Â
Church officers:
Senior Deacon: Pat Schoenfelder (Class of 2021)
Betty Brown (Class of 2022)
Laura Hudson (class of 2023)
Liz Silva (class of 2023)
Clerk: Sue Crawford
Treasurer: Chris Cancila
Ministry Team for God’s House:
Resource & Management: Steve Vetters (Class of 2021)
Property and Church Sales Team: Gary Shapley (Class of 2023)
Ministry Team for God’s People:
Fellowship & Hospitality: Jodie Smith (Class of 2021)
Mission & Outreach: Ann Peterson (Class of 2023)
Ministry Team for God’s Word:
Worship: Carol Beverlin (Class of 2022)
Christian Education: Katie McMillen (Class of 2022)
Core Group:
Marguerite Lapetina   Ann Peterson   Jodie Smith
Mary Vonderheidt   Gary Wayne Whitfield

TODAY                           Mother’s Day
                                       Peanut Butter & Jam 4 CAM begins
Thursday, May 13 Ascension of the Lord
Sunday, May 23 Day of Pentecost: WEAR RED TO CHURCH
Monday, May 31 Memorial Day (church office closed)
Sunday, June 6 Communion Sunday
                                       Free the Captives gold bag offering
                                       Peanut Butter & Jam 4 CAM ends
Sunday, June 20 Father’s Day
Sunday, July 4 Independence Day
Sunday, July 11 “Christmas In July†lunch celebration