Fourth Sunday of Easter April 30, 2023 Scripture readings: Ezekiel 34:7-15 and 1st Peter 2:19-22 What do any of us truly deserve? That’s a very good question. I may have a very good answer for us to ponder for today. I think any of …
Fourth Sunday of Easter April 30, 2023 Scripture readings: Ezekiel 34:7-15 and 1st Peter 2:19-22 What do any of us truly deserve? That’s a very good question. I may have a very good answer for us to ponder for today. I think any of …
Ash Wednesday February 22, 2022 Scripture readings: Genesis 3: 19; Joel 2: 1-2,12-14; Ezekiel 36: 25-27; Psalm 103 Genesis reminds us that we are merely dust…and that we will return to that state some day after we are dead. The prophet …
July 4, 2021 Independence Day Scripture readings: 2nd Samuel 5: 1-5, 9-10 and Ezekiel 2: 1-5 So…in our first Old Testament reading for today, David is firmly established as the undisputed leader of God’s people in Israel. He is the king; Saul …
May 23, 2021 Day of Pentecost Scripture readings: Ezekiel 37: 1-14 & Acts 2: 1-21 Each week, in every kind of Christian church that I know of or have heard about, selections from the Bible are chosen and read aloud …
March 29, 2020 Fifth Sunday in Lent Scripture readings – Ezekiel 37: 1-14 and John 9: 1-41 Throughout our lifetimes, each of us will encounter someone who enjoys asking trick questions. Sometimes these are clever or funny; usually they either make …