Devotional: How Good It Is When Brothers AND Sisters Live in Unity
Scripture – Psalm 133 Theme: Sometimes certain issues can divide family members and cause hard feelings that last for years. Maybe it’s better to let things go and try harder to avoid trouble.
2nd Sunday of Christmas January 2, 2022 Scripture – Ephesians 1: 3-14 It all began in 1964 when Larry Kunkel’s mom gave him a pair of moleskin pants. After wearing them a few times, he found they froze stiff in Minnesota …
Christmas Eve, December 24, 2021 Scripture: Luke 2:1-7 A big part of the advent season is based on getting ready, being prepared, getting our hearts right. But there is SO much to do, so much that we expect to happen that it …
Devotional: A Lament For Blue Christmas
Scripture – Isaiah 40: 1-5, 28-32 Theme: When some are wishing one another “Merry Christmas!” or “Happy Holidays!” others in our society see this season as being filled with pain and loss. Many in our midst have suffered from devastating …
Fourth Sunday of Advent December 19, 2021 Scripture reading: Luke 1: 39-55 I just love this time of year, don’t you? I love the decorations, the music, the holiday activities, the slightly chilly weather, the lights, all of it. I …
Scripture – Jeremiah 1:5 Theme: When my older relatives would forget my name, I would just tell them to call me “Carl” (which was a very common name in my mom’s family). It was a running joke I had with …
Devotional: Million Dollar Talent…Ten Cent Head
Scripture – 1st Samuel 9:1 – 10:8 Theme: When the people of Israel demanded a king “so they could be like other nations,” God told Samuel to give them a king. Then God led Samuel to Saul: a tall, handsome, …
The Unexpected Messenger…The Unexpected Message
2nd Sunday of Advent December 5, 2021 Scripture reading – Luke 3: 1-18 In the ancient days of kings and kingdoms, there was always a threat that came from outside. Insider threats were also a problem, but it was the unknown that …
Scripture – Malachi 3: 1-7 Theme: Malachi is the last of the Old Testament prophets to appear; after him, the prophets are silent for 400 years until John the Baptist suddenly appears. So what was so important that Malachi needed …