“…he humbled himself and become obedient to the point of death – even death upon a cross.†Philippians 2:8

When will HPC begin holding worship services in-person again?
Your Session voted last Tuesday night NOT to resume our in-person worship services. The risks are just too great at this point. We were all eager to gather in person again, but we also put the greater interest of our church first in our hearts and minds. So, for now, we will continue with our 5 on-line offerings each week. We are also considering meeting outdoors in the parking lot since the weather is getting milder. More details on that later. Thank you for understanding, and please keep our church in your prayers!

This is a wonderful organization that we have enthusiasticlaly supported in the past. Their goal is to provide clean, new underwear to underserved populations of school children. Recently, they have expanded their good work to other cities in Texas.
For many years, we have held “Undie Sundies†at our church in which the faithful bring new sets of children’s underwear for ages 5-18. We have donated hundreds of pairs in the past, but due to Covid-19 restrictions, we cannot do this right now…but the need is still great!
HOWEVER, Undies for Everyone is still in business and still accepting financial support. They have arranged for thousands of pairs of new, quality underwear to be purchased at incredibly low prices. All they need are the financial donations to make it a reality.
So…if you would like to support them, please consider sending them a check made out to “Undies For Everyone.†Their mailing address is:
Undies for Everyone
3610 Willowbend Blvd. Suite 1000
Houston, Texas 77054
You can also donate on-line on their webpage: https://www.undiesforeveryone.org/
Click on the blue DONATE button.
Thank you so much for your support of our long-time friends!
PCUSA Peace & Global Witness Offering

Every year, during the month of October, Heritage PC participates in the Peace & Global Witness special offering. As the denomination’s flyer explains, “By giving to the Peace & Global Witness Offering, we work to share Christ’s peace with one another, beyond our doors, beyond our community and across boundaries.â€
We all know how difficult peace can be when people have to deal with natural disasters. One fourth of our offering will be given directly by our congregation to some area recently affected by a natural disaster; with all the hurricanes that have come into the Gulf this year, we are certainly familiar with at least one specific type!
Remember that one-fourth of this offering goes to the Synod, joining with other congregations to support peacemaking work in our region.
One-half supports the work done by Presbyterians across the globe.
Please consider giving to the this very special offering during the first three weeks of October. Mail your check to the church office, or use the on-line giving option on the church web page.
Thank you so much!

Now that in-person school has begun again, the Plunkett grandson, Logan, is no longer being home-schooled by the Plunkett family. So, Pastor Mark is back in the church office on a regular basis again.
The office hours are Monday through Thursday, 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM.
Friday is Pastor Mark’s usual Sabbath Day!
(You can always reach Pastor Mark on his cell: 832-477-1699)
Check us out during the week via the following media:
- Sunday, 10:00 AM: Children’s Sermon via Facebook Live
- Sunday, 10:30 AM Worship Service: Live via Zoom
- Sunday, Scripture & Sermon video (pre-recorded): link sent by email and available on the church web page
- Monday Motivation (pre-recorded): on Instagram
- Wednesday Devotional (pre-recorded): link sent by email and available on the church web page

Our regular tithes/offerings deposited September 23: $1336.08
Thank you so much for your support and prayers!

Zoom Worship attendance for September 20: 30 people
Thank you SO MUCH for joining us! Let us know if you need assistance in getting connecting and joining us.

Our regular Ladies Bible Study meets every Tuesday at 10:30 via Zoom. Currently, they are studying the Book of Acts. Please contact Mark for more information or if interested.
Mark will need to share your email address with Kay Cronk, the teacher, but all ladies are welcomed, invited, and encouraged.
2020 HPC Staff and Church Officers
- Ministers: All the members of the church
- Pastor: Rev. Mark Plunkett
- Music Director: Nancy Kissinger
- Accompanist: Cathy Wafford
- Nursery Attendant: Elizabeth Curiel
- Church Office Administrator: Wendy Ballard
- Young Music Ministers:
- Dylan Gamble
- Keiana Kreitz
- Nina Nguyen
Core Group:
- Marguerite Lapetina
- Ann Peterson
- Jodie Smith
- Mary Vonderheidt
- Gary Wayne Whitfield
- Jean Smith, Senior Deacon (Class of 2020)
- Mindy Boyd (Class of 2020)
- Pat Schoenfelder (Class of 2021)
- Betty Brown (Class of 2022)
- Clerk: Sue Crawford
- Treasurer: Jim Lower
Ministry Team for God’s Word:
- Worship: Carol Beverlin (Class of 2022)
- Christian Education: Katie McMillen (Class of 2022)
Ministry Team for God’s House:
- Resource & Management: Sally Luker (Class of 2020)
- Property/Church Sales Team: Chris Rigoulot (Class of 2021)
Ministry Team for God’s People:
- Fellowship & Hospitality: Jodie Smith (Class of 2021)
- Mission & Outreach: Ann Peterson (Class of 2020)