Holy Week Schedule:
Sunday, March 28: Palm Sunday (in-person and via Zoom)
Thursday, April 1: Maundy Thursday service with Communion (in person and via Zoom)
Friday, April 2: Good Friday/Reformed Stations of the Cross (Zoom only)
Sunday, April 4: Easter Sunday! (in person and via Zoom)
Remember that today is Deacons’ Sunday.  All “loose coins and cash†will go to this very worthy mission of our church.  If you write a check, make it out to the church and write “Deacons’ Fund†on the memo line.
Weekly Tithes and Offerings – March 23rd deposit: $681.00
One Great Hour of Sharing – this is a PCUSA special offering that will be collected on Easter Sunday, April 4th.  It assists people all over the world with recovery from natural disasters.  More info coming!
You have JUST ONE more Sundays in which to purchase an Easter lily.  Each plant is $9.00.  Give your order to Carol Beverlin, our worship elder.
Worship attendance, March 21ST= 48 (our 2nd largest total for 2021!)