Holy Week Schedule:
Sunday, March 28: Palm Sunday (in-person and via Zoom next Sunday!)
Thursday, April 1: Maundy Thursday service with Communion (in person and via Zoom)
Friday, April 2: Good Friday/Reformed Stations of the Cross (Zoom only)
Sunday, April 4: Easter Sunday! (in person and via Zoom)
Weekly Tithes and Offerings – March 15th deposit: $905.00
Friends: We all know times are extremely difficult right now, with the pandemic continuing and businesses still trying to survive after more than a year of limitations. But please don’t forget to support your church if you are able! Every dollar that we are short forces us to take funds from the building fund; once we sell our property, we will need every nickel from that sale AND from our current building fund in order to be able to afford something we can all live with for our new church home. Thank you so much for your support and your prayers!
One Great Hour of Sharing – this is a PCUSA special offering that will be collected on Easter Sunday, April 4th.  It assists people all over the world with recovery from natural disasters.  More info coming!
You have two more Sundays in which to purchase an Easter lily.  Each plant is $9.00.  Give your order to Carol Beverlin, our worship elder.
Worship attendance for March 14th = 38 (18 in person, 20 via Zoom)