Veterans Day (originally known as Armistice Day) is a federal holiday in the United States observed annually on November 11, for honoring all military veterans who have served in any and all branches of the US Military. It coincides with other holidays including Armistice Day and Remembrance Day which are celebrated in other countries that mark the anniversary of the end of World War I. Major hostilities of World War I were formally ended at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918, when the Armistice with Germany went into effect. At the urging of major U.S. veteran organizations, Armistice Day was renamed Veterans Day in 1954. We at Heritage PC honor and respect all veterans who have served and protected us. To us, their service embodies the words that Jesus spoke, “Greater love has no one than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.†(John 15:13)

It’s almost time for one of our most popular missions: Cookie Sunday!   On the Sunday immediately following Thanksgiving weekend, we ask our congregation members to prepare homemade cookies for our Deacons to pack and mail to our college and grad school students. We encourage our college students to share these cookies with their study partners at they work together on projects and to study for December final exams. In this way, they help us spread the love of Christ to those who might need a little something extra. We ask all bakers do the following:
- Please bake only homemade cookies.
- Please put 4-6 cookies in small zip-lock baggies.
- Please label each baggie with the type of cookie.
After worship on Sunday, December 1st, our Deacons will sort, pack, and mail the cookies. Thanks for your delicious help!

Special dates in November:
Birthdays: Marietta Sanchez, 11/19
Jim Lower, 11/20
Angel Sanchez, 11/28
Anniversaries: Matt & Sandra Matejich, 11/3
Rick & Sally Luker, 11/29

Please keep these folks in prayer:
- Gail Burns – Undergoing tests soon to determine the cause of her chronic cough
- TJ Avery – continuing to receive treatment for pancreatic cancer. TJ is the husband of former office administrator, Tanya Avery
- Jimmy – friend of Pat Schoenfelder, recovering at home
- Bob Plunkett – father of Pastor Mark, receiving rehab assistance in Atlanta following a bout with pneumonia
- Betty Brown – health issues
- Jackie McDonald – health issues
- Marilyn Wilson – mother of Mindy Boyd, health issues
- Jack Harrison – hip pain that makes walking difficult
- Trawick PC/Nacogdoches – church building burned to the ground during a storm
- All those affected by the wildfires in California

Monday, Nov. 11       Veterans’ Day
Tuesday, Nov. 12      Ladies’ Bible Study, 10:30 AM, church office
       Session meeting, 7:00 PM, church office
Wednesday, Nov. 13 Choir Practice, 6:45-8:00, Lodge Ballroom
Monday, Nov. 18 Pie Day at Postma Elementary School
Thursday, Nov. 21 Budget Writing meeting, 7 PM, church office
Thursday, Nov 28 Thanksgiving Day
Sunday, Dec. 1 Advent begins!
Sunday, Dec. 15 Choir cantata: “Waiting for Christmasâ€
Sunday, Dec. 22 Christmas Joy offering
Tuesday, Dec. 24 Christmas Eve Candlelight service, 7:00 PM
Fall, 2020 Trip to the Holy Land! More details to follow!