Please join us next Sunday, December 8th, for the Advent Breakfast. We will begin serving breakfast at 9:15 AM. Join us for a little Christmas music, great food, and fellowship. Remember to bring your Christmas jars too! If you have chosen someone to receive your jar, go ahead and give it. If not, please put yours on the table with the others. We will combine all the jars and take the coins to the bank. After that, our Mission & Outreach Committee will use these funds to purchase gift cards to be given to those in need. During this time of the year, this can go a long way toward making someone’s Christmas a little merrier.

We also hope you will make plans to join us on Sunday, December 15th, when our choir presents their
Christmas Cantata: “Waiting For Christmas.â€
It will be a joyful experience, and we hope you will bring your friends.
As you may have heard, the Houston Food Bank had a major equipment failure recently. This failure meant they had to throw out virtually all their holiday food. Now they need help from the community they have served so well.

Instead of our regular Deacons’ Fund offering and our Free the Captives offering, we will be taking up a special offering to be sent to the Houston Food Bank. Right now, they tell us this is the best way for individuals and organizations to help them cover this major loss. We appreciate your support and your understanding in this unique offering. By the way, we already collected $385 last Sunday! We will repeat this special “Gold Bag†offering today to add to it. Thank you!

Thank you to everyone who brought cookies today for our students!