Highlights from April’s stated Session meeting:
- Arranged for the 2020 financial review
- Heard an update on our lawsuit vs. HCAD (in an effort to get back some of our 2018-19 property taxes that we believe were unfairly assessed)
- Pastor’s response to annual review
- 40-day countdown began on Monday, April 5 for the contract to sell our church property; earnest money deposited with the title company
- Preliminary discussion of idea to start a Pastor’s Bible Study; email to gauge interest will be sent to the congregation
- Preliminary financial reports indicate that we are more than $600 AHEAD for the year!!!
- Staff Appreciation Day for Postma Elementary will be held in May

Last Sunday’s tithes and offerings = $1515.00* (includes $500 earnest $ from previous sales contract!) Thank you for your generosity!
HPC Staff and Officers
Ministers: All the members of the church
Pastor: Rev. Mark Plunkett
Music Director: Nancy Kissinger
Accompanist: Cathy Wafford
Worship Tech Coordinator: Keiana Kreitz
Nursery Attendant: Elizabeth Cisneros
Young Music Ministers: Dylan Gamble and Keiana Kreitz
Church officers:
Senior Deacon: Pat Schoenfelder(Class of 2021)
Liz Silva (class of 2023)
Betty Brown (Class of 2022) Laura Hudson (class of 2023)
Clerk: Sue Crawford Treasurer: Chris Cancila
Ministry Team for God’s House:
Resource & Management: Steve Vetters (Class of 2021)
Property and Church Sales Team: Gary Shapley (Class of 2023)
Ministry Team for God’s People:
Fellowship & Hospitality: Jodie Smith (Class of 2021)
Mission & Outreach: Ann Peterson (Class of 2023)
Ministry Team for God’s Word:
Worship: Carol Beverlin (Class of 2022)
Christian Education: Katie McMillen (Class of 2022)
Core Group:
Marguerite Lapetina Ann Peterson Jodie Smith
Mary Vonderheidt Gary Wayne Whitfield

Calendar of upcoming events
TODAY Deacons’ Sunday
Friday, April 30 Memorial for Rev. Dean Pogue @ Memorial Drive PC, 11 AM
Sunday, May 2 Communion Sunday
Free the Captives gold bag offering
Thursday, May 6 National Day of Prayer
Sunday, May 9             Mother’s Day
                                     Peanut Butter & Jam 4 CAM begins
Thursday, May 13 Ascension of the Lord
Sunday, May 23 Day of Pentecost: WEAR RED TO CHURCH
Monday, May 31 Memorial Day (church office closed)
Sunday, June 6 Communion Sunday
Free the Captives gold bag offering
Peanut Butter & Jam 4 CAM ends
Sunday, July 11 “Christmas In July†lunch celebration