Saturday, March 13th is Daylight Savings Time Remember to set your clocks FORWARD one hour before going to bed on Saturday night.
During our worship service today, we will be installing Steve Vetters as our Resource & Administration Elder to the Session. Steve has served in this role previously and has been a member of HPC for the past 11 years. He will be completing an unfinished term. Thank you, Steve!
Bad news: The sales contract for our church property has fallen through. The proposed buyer had a partner who could not make arrangements to complete the planning and purchase of the property.
Our Property Sales Team is in discussion to determine what our next step will be. Please keep this matter in your most fervent prayers!
Holy Week Schedule:
Sunday, March 28: Palm Sunday
Thursday, April 1: Maundy Thursday service with Communion
Friday, April 2: Good Friday/Reformed Stations of the Cross (Zoom only)
Sunday, April 4: Easter Sunday!
One Great Hour of Sharing – this is a PCUSA special offering that will be collected on Easter Sunday, April 4th. It assists people all over the world with recovery from natural disasters. More info coming!
12 Easter Lilies are available for purchase again this year! Each plant is $9.00. Contact our Worship elder, Carol Beverlin, if interested.
Worship attendance for March 7th = 41
Weekly Tithes and Offerings – March 9th deposit: $8177.25