Our “Heritage Has Talent†fundraiser been extended through Saturday, June 10th.  We are doing this because a generous member of our Heritage community has offered to match each gift given between May 21st and June 10th.  SO…we again urge EVERYONE in the Heritage PC family to send the email announcing this opportunity to EVERYONE in their email listing and social media accounts. Â
(If you have already done this, consider sending an additional “reminder†to your contacts.)
If you are not providing a talent or contributing toward a talent you might need, PLEASE support this by letting all your contacts know.  It won’t work if only our church knows about it. We have raised over $3600 so far thanks to you!

May 15th Session meeting highlights:
- Called for a confidential survey to be sent to all members and friends of our Heritage PC community
- Heard updates on the church’s current financial picture
- Approved Pastor Mark’s vacation days for the rest of 2023
- Approved 2023 pulpit supply whenever Pastor Mark is out of the pulpit
- Heard an update on properties that have been checked out and will be checked out in our search for a new church homeÂ

The Sunday School class will be watching Season 3 of “The Chosen†beginning on June 4 at 9:00 am. If you have not seen Season 1 and/or 2, you may stream it from several different platforms such as Angel Studios, YouTube, or Amazon Prime.
This series makes the disciplines and many other people that were part of Jesus’ life come to life while His life story is told.
Sunday school meets in the Heritage Lodge’s library.  All are welcome and encouraged to join us!

Day of Pentecost
Deacons’ Sunday
Monday, May 29:
Memorial Day – church office closed
Wednesday, May 31:
Choir Practice: 7:00 PM
May 1 – June 10:
Congregation uses their talents as thank-you’s for donations
Sunday, June 4:
Communion Sunday
Gold Bag offering benefitting Free the Captives
Wednesday, June 14:
Flag Day
Sunday, June 18:
Father’s Day celebration: root beer floats after worship!
Monday, June 19:
“Juneteenth†National Independence Day