There will be a Blue Christmas service on Sunday, December 19th at 7:00 PM.  This will be a very special service for those who feel the pain of loss especially during the holidays.  We want them to never forget God is still there with them (and we are too!)

Sunday School is temporarily suspended until December 19, at which time there will be a video of Mary and the birth of Christ. Please try to attend on this date at 9:00 am as it will give you a new perspective of this glorious event.  By not having Sunday School, this will allow our choir members additional time to practice for the choir program prior to their December 12 presentation.

The graph above shows the monthly giving totals for 2020-21.  Please note that during most of last year, our totals were far behind our budget.  For much of 2021, our totals have been far above our budget, but they have fallen off in the past few months.  As 2021 ends, please consider your financial support of your church.

15 Poinsettias will be available to purchase this Christmas for $8.50.  All plants are ordered from Brookwood, a facility that enables citizens with special needs to work and contribute to society and their own self-esteem.  If you would like to order one, please see Worship Elder Carol Beverlin (order forms will be available beginning Sunday, November 28, the first Sunday of Advent.) All poinsettias will be displayed on Christmas Eve and may be taken home after the service.
TODAY: Christ the King Sunday
Thursday, November 25
Thanksgiving Holiday
Sunday, November 28
1st Sunday of Advent: Hope
Sunday, December 5
2nd Sunday of Advent: Peace
Advent Pancake Breakfast
Communion Sunday
“Gold Bag†Sunday benefitting Free the Captives
Monday, December 6, 7:00 PM
Stated Session meeting and examination of new officers
Saturday, December 11, 11:30 AM
Ladies’ Christmas Luncheon @ French Quarter Restaurant
Sunday, December 12
3rd Sunday of Advent: Joy
Joy Gift
Choir Program: “The Other Wise Manâ€
Sunday, December 19
4th Sunday of Advent: Love
Ordination/Installation of new church officers
Blue Christmas service at 7:00 PM
Friday, December 24, 7:00 PM
Candlelight Christmas Eve service of Scripture and Carols
Sunday, December 26
1st Sunday of Christmas