August is when our Nominating Committee begins their work to find officers to serve our church. This year we will need the following:
- Two Deacons
- Two elders on Session
- Mission & Outreach
- Resource & Management
Here is our Nominating Committee:
Chair: Elder Sally Luker
Deacons: Jean Smith and Mindy Boyd
Congregational Reps: Collin Brown, Lori Yarbrough, Jim Lower
Please contact any of these people if you are interesting in serving YOUR church. Also, be thinking of how you could serve your church if any of the Committee members reach out to YOU. Thank you so much!

During the first week of August, we collected $80 for Free the CaptivesThank you for your support!

Zoom Worship attendance: August 9, 2020 – 50 people!!! Another record for our largest group!  Thank you SO MUCH for joining us!

Our regular tithes and offerings totaled $5082.31 last week! Many of you have used our PayPal on-line account to give. If you have not tried this, go to and click on the GIVINGlink. PayPal also takes credit cards! For everyone who has continued to offer tithes and prayers, thank you so much!
Speaking of good financial news… several months ago, our General Presbyter, Rev. Lynn Hargrove, notified me that Heritage PC was listed on the state’s unclaimed funds web page. When I checked, I found two accounts from 2007 with about $450 in them. I filled out the forms and sent them in. On Thursday morning, we received a check for $408.86! No one knows where this money came from, but we praise God anyway for unexpected blessings! OH BE JOYFUL!

Our regular Ladies Bible Study meets every Tuesday at 10:30 via Zoom. Currently, they are studying the Book of Acts. Please contact Mark for more information or if interested. Mark will need to share your email address with Kay Cronk, the teacher, but all ladies are welcomed, invited, and encouraged.

A church member STILL has a nice power-lift chair that is FREE to anyone who could use it. This church member also has a large upright freezer that needs a part in order to be repaired; if you would like it, you may also have it for the price of the service call that diagnosed the problem (about $140). Contact Pastor Mark if you are interested in either item.