5th Sunday of Easter Announcements

A yellow banner with four different colored underwear.

When people think of providing for kids in need, they probably think of things like food, clothing, and perhaps school supplies. But when they think of clothing, they probably don’t think of underwear—which is a basic items kids need, yet not something often given. Undies for Everyone is out to change that. UFE distributes undies to kids through back-to-school fairs and through school nurses and counselors. You can help out a child in need by donating in one of three ways: 

  • through the Heritage Church Amazon UFE Storefront
  • by making a gift by cash or check through Heritage and putting it in the weekly offering at church (please indicate that it is for Undies); 
  • through PayPal (again, please indicate that your gift is for Undies). 

Our annual Undies for Everyone drive will run through Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 14.

Together, we can make a meaningful difference for kids!

A logo for heritage has talent, with the words " heritage has talent ".

Our “Heritage Has Talent†fundraiser continues to bring funds and attention to our church.  We urge EVERYONE in the Heritage PC family to send the email announcing this opportunity to EVERYONE in their email listing and social media accounts.  (If you have already done this, consider sending an additional “reminder†to your contacts.)

If you are not providing a talent or contributing toward a talent you might need, PLEASE support this by letting all your contacts know.  It won’t work if only our church knows about it.  

It was announced last Sunday that our HHT fundraiser has raised over $1800 so far!  Thank you so much!

A calendar with the words upcoming events written on it.


Communion Sunday

Graduation Sunday: Celebrate Our Seniors!

Gold Bag Offering benefitting Free the Captives

May 1 – May 31:

Congregation uses their talents as thank-you’s for donations

Wednesday, May 10:

Choir Practice: 7:00 PM

Sunday, May 14:

Mother’s Day

Sunday, May 21:

Presbyterian Heritage Sunday

Sunday, May 28:

Day of Pentecost

Memorial Day weekend

Deacons’ Sunday