Our “Heritage Has Talent†fundraiser is on-line and in full swing!  We urge EVERYONE in the Heritage PC family to send the email announcing this opportunity to EVERYONE in their email listing and social media accounts.  If you are not providing a talent or contributing toward a talent you might need, PLEASE support this by letting all your contacts know.  It won’t work if only our church knows about it.  Thank you so much!

On Sunday, April 30th there will be a congregational meeting immediately following our worship service.
There are two items that need to be voted upon:
- Elect the 2023 Nominating Committee
Appointed by the Session:
- Ann Peterson and Sally Luker (co-chairs)
To be elected by the congregation:
- Jodie Smith, Jim Crawford, Steve Vetters
- Reaffirm Pastor Mark’s 2023 terms of call
2. An error was made in calculating Mark’s current terms of call due to the presbytery posting an outdated document on their web page.  Mark’s terms have been tentatively approved by the presbytery’s Committee on Ministry, but the Committee suggested a congregational meeting should be held to insure complete transparency.
March Financial Flash Report:
RECEIVED | Month |
Pledges | $8,036 |
Undesignated | $3,313 |
Special Funds | $509 |
Budget | $14,401 |
Over/(Short) | ($2,543) |
Expenses | $13,937 |
Special Funds | $670 |
Budget | $14,401 |
Over/(Short) | ($206) |
Total Surplus/(Deficit) | ($2,749) |
Needed to Operate | $14,401 |
Cash End of Month | $14,230 |
Expected Receipts | $9,371 |
Expected Surplus | $9,200 |

Deacons’ Sunday
Wednesday, April 26
Choir rehearsal, 7PM in the Lodge Ballroom
Sunday, April 30:
Stump the Choir Sunday
Congregational Meeting after worship
- to approve Pastor Mark’s updated terms of call
- to elect the 2023 Nominating Committee
May 1 – May 31:
Congregation uses their talents as thank-you’s for donations
Wednesday, May 3
Choir rehearsal, 7PM in the Lodge Ballroom
Sunday, May 7:
Communion Sunday
Graduation Sunday: Celebrate Our Seniors!
Gold Bag Offering benefitting Free the Captives