2nd Sunday of Easter Announcements

A polar bear laying on the ground with a caption " i promise, it will be at church ".

Definition: The Sunday after Easter, the Second Sunday of Easter, sometimes called “Quasimodo.â€

The term may reflect the somewhat less intense celebration of the day relative to the great feast of Easter on the preceding Sunday.Many churches experience lower attendance on Low Sunday than on Easter Day.  So…BRING YOUR FRIENDS AND YOURSELVES TO CHURCH!

A logo for heritage has talent, with the words " heritage has talent ".

Hopefully, you are considering what you have to offer as a talent that could be listed in our on-line catalog.  

Please carefully consider how you can be a part of this exciting fundraiser.

The more listings we can arrange, the more funds we can potentially raise.  Currently we have only 18 PEOPLE who are donating their talents to this fundraiser!  We need MORE!

Tell your neighbors, tell your friends, and send the message to all the contacts in your email listing.

One more thing: Set a goal for yourself of how much money you can raise. Then get busy achieving (and exceeding!) that goal.

A calendar with the words upcoming events written on it.


HERITAGE HAS TALENT Catalog publication date

We start accepting donations and “Ordersâ€

Saturday, April 22:

Session Strategic Planning retreat at 

Pastor Mark’s home, 10AM

Sunday, April 23:

Deacons’ Sunday

Sunday, April 30:

Stump the Choir Sunday

Congregational Meeting after worship

  • to approve Pastor Mark’s updated terms of call
  • to elect the 2023 Nominating Committee

May 1 – May 31:

Congregation uses their talents as thank-you’s for donations