It’s that time of the year again: our Nominating Committee begins its work on August 1st, with Elder Katie McMillen serving as this year’s chair.  Each year the outgoing church officers and a few congregation members work together to find church members to serve as Session elders, Deacons, and to serve on next year’s Nominating Committee.  This is important work; all presbyterian churches are run by the local Sessions.  All congregations elect their own church officers.  If you are asked to serve, please prayerfully consider the request.  We will need a new Worship elder, a new Christian Education elder, and one Deacon.And don’t forget to pray for our Nominating Committee!

July worship attendance:
July 3: 35
July 10: 40
July 17: 43
July 24: 35
July 31: 39
July average: 38
YTD Average: 40

Month of August
Nominating Committee begins working
Communion Sunday
Gold Bag offering for Free the Captives
Choir returns!
Monday, August 8th
Session meeting via Zoom, 7:00PM
Monday, August 22nd
School begins in Cy-Fair ISD
Sunday, August 28th
Deacons’ Sunday
Deacons’ meeting, 7:00PM via Zoom
Sunday, September 4th
Communion Sunday
Gold Bag offering for Free the Captives
Monday, September 5th
Labor Day – Church office CLOSED