8th Sunday After Pentecost Announcements

Today is the fifth Sunday of this month, and that means it’s “Stump the Choir” Sunday!  On this Sunday, the members of the congregation select the first two the hymns for our worship service.  When the time for a hymn arrives, the pastor will ask for suggestions, and the members of the congregation may call out a specific hymn BY NUMBER for us to sing.  If our accompanist – Neena Taylor – is not “stumped” – we sing it!

But remember: Neena gets to choose the final hymn!

Summer Sermon Series: Old Testament Prophets

Each sermon from mid-June through the end of July focuses on the messages brought by Old Testament prophets.  These brave men were the voices of God to His people in the ancient years of Israel.  In times of trouble, the people of God were still given repeated chances to return to His loving arms; that lesson still exists for all people everywhere.  

June 19: Elijah (1st Kings 19) & Elisha (2nd Kings 5)

June 26: Malachi 3: 5-7

July 3: Jonah 3:1-10 and Nahum 1:2-13

July 10: Obadiah vv. 10-15

July 17: Amos 7-8

July 24: Jeremiah 2

July 31: Hosea 11 (final sermon in series)

  • Sale of a few of our LARGE items from our storage units (including a ping pong table and a foosball table).
  • Final Legacy Conference (postponed due to Covid) – a conference that assists you in planning your will, life insurance, finances, funeral/burial plans 
  • Prayer Partner Program – a program in which individual members of our church will be teamed up as prayer partners with one another (this is a VOLUNTARY program)


Stump the Choir Sunday

Wednesday, August 3rd

Choir rehearsal resumes!

Sunday, August 7th

Communion Sunday

Gold Bag offering for Free the Captives

Choir returns!

Monday, August 8th

Session meeting via Zoom, 7:00PM

Monday, August 22nd

School begins in Cy-Fair ISD

Sunday, August 28th

Deacons’ Sunday

Deacons’ meeting, 7:00PM via Zoom

Sunday, September 4th

Communion Sunday

Gold Bag offering for Free the Captives

Monday, September 5th

Labor Day – Church office CLOSED