8th Sunday After Pentecost Announcements

A New Sunday School class in August: “Presbyterianism 101”

(or “Everything You Ever Wanted To Know About Our Church – But Were Afraid To Ask”)

Beginning Sunday, August 6th, Pastor Mark will be teaching a four-week class on what it is to be a presbyterian, including:

  • a brief history of our denomination – including why there are 10 different presbyterian denominations today;
  • our governmental structure: the local church, the local presbytery, regional synod, and General Assembly;
  • specific history of Heritage PC: October 1980 up to present day.

Sunday school meets in the Lodge’s library and begins at 9:15 AM.

All are welcome, encouraged, and invited to join us!

Congregational Survey Results

A few months ago, your Session began working on a new strategic plan for our church.  In order to include everyone’s thoughts and dreams in this process, a congregational survey was sent out, which was completed by ¾ of this congregation, and the results were gathered and given to the Session.

As we continue working on that strategic plan, here are some of the results of the survey:

  • 82% of respondents are current members of our church.
  • 71% have been members for more than 7 years.
  • 20% participate in worship via Zoom, 80% in person.
  • About 20% of the respondents reported that they have fallen out of the habit of attending church since Covid.
  • When people first began attending Heritage, there were a wide variety of reasons including a warm congregation, worship style, preaching, proximity to home, time of the service, and focus on Biblical teachings.
  • Respondents are fairly divided over the possibility of changing the name of our church.
  • Over 90 respondents addressed weaknesses of our church including: lack of young families and youth, limited opportunities for growth in the Heritage neighborhood, programs for specific groups including Sunday school for youth.
  • 91% of respondents believe it is extremely or very important for us to grow the size of our congregation.
  • More than half of respondents believe our church should aim to grow to 100-200 members.
  • More than half of respondents believe we should continue meeting at the Lodge, while also pursuing a possible new location to lease or buy.
  • If a new location is purchased, more than half of respondents believe we should have a small mortgage -or no mortgage at all (if possible).
  • 2/3 of the respondents want a mix of traditional and contemporary music in our worship services.
  • Overwhelmingly, respondents believe we should strive to grow with more emphasis on attracting young families, children, and youth.


Deacons’ Sunday

Sunday, July 30

Stump the Choir

Wednesday, August 2:

Choir rehearsal resumes: 7:00 PM in the Ballroom

Saturday, August 5:

Second Strategic Planning workshop for Session

@ home of Scott & Laura Hudson, 10 AM

Sunday, August 6:

Our Choir Returns!

Sunday School Class begins: Presbyterianism 101

Communion Sunday

Gold Bag Offering for Free the Captives