Today is Deacons’ Sunday.  Our four Deacons visit the sick and those who are shut-ins, check on their individual Shepherd Group members, and bring food to help families in time of need.  They also determine how to spend the money from our Deacons’ Fund, which is used to help people with their rent, utility bills, medical insurance payments, prescriptions, as well as helping folks buy gas and groceries.  During our offertory today, all the “loose plate†or cash not in specified envelopes will go toward the Deacons’ Fund.  If you would like to write a check for this most worthy cause, please specify on the memo line.  Thank you for supporting this vital ministry!
Summer Sermon Series: Old Testament Prophets

Each sermon from mid-June through the end of July focuses on the messages brought by Old Testament prophets. These brave men were the voices of God to His people in the ancient years of Israel. In times of trouble, the people of God were still given repeated chances to return to His loving arms; that lesson still exists for all people everywhere.
June 19: Elijah (1st Kings 19) & Elisha (2nd Kings 5)
June 26: Malachi 3: 5-7
July 3: Jonah 3:1-10 and Nahum 1:2-13
July 10: Obadiah vv. 10-15
July 17: Amos 7-8
July 24: Jeremiah 2
July 31:Â Hosea 11Â (final sermon in series)

Summary of General Assembly business:
GA recently met via Zoom over four days; given the lack of in-person discussion, some business was postponed until the next GA.
The following business was accomplished:
- Passed resolution: “Responding to the Sin of Racism and a Call to Actionâ€
- Stated Clerk, Rev. J. Herbert Nelson II, was reelected for another 4-year term.
- Ruling Elder Elona Street-Stewart and the Reverend Gregory Bentley were elected co-moderators of the 224th General Assembly, becoming the first in history to moderate an on-line Assembly.
- Passed a budget that will keep the fee for each PCUSA church member at $8.98 for the next two years.
- A response to the COVID-19 pandemic was approved, seeking compassion and justice for the most vulnerable for the disease, including People of Color, LGBTQ persons, and persons with HIV.

Deacons’ Sunday
Deacons’ meeting, 7:00 via Zoom
Sunday, July 31st
Stump the Choir Sunday
Wednesday, August 3rd
Choir rehearsal resumes!
Sunday, August 7th
Communion Sunday
Gold Bag offering for Free the Captives
Choir returns!
Monday, August 22nd
School begins in Cy-Fair ISD
Sunday, August 28th
Deacons’ Sunday
Deacons’ meeting, 7:00PM via Zoom
7/17/2022 (including on-line)
Regular offering: $_______
Summer Sermon Series: Old Testament Prophets
Each sermon from mid-June through the end of July focuses on the messages brought by Old Testament prophets. These brave men were the voices of God to His people in the ancient years of Israel. In times of trouble, the people of God were still given repeated chances to return to His loving arms; that lesson still exists for all people everywhere.
June 19: Elijah (1st Kings 19) & Elisha (2nd Kings 5)
June 26: Malachi 3: 5-7
July 3: Jonah 3:1-10 and Nahum 1:2-13
July 10: Obadiah vv. 10-15
July 17: Amos 7-8
July 24: Jeremiah 2