We are JOYFUL today that these five people are joining our church:
Rae Frasch (transfer of letter)
Tim & Joan Jenkinson (transfer of letter)
Okwara (ND) Ndybyisi (reaffirmation of faith)
Anna Record (transfer of letter)
If you are not yet a member of our church, we hope you will consider officially joining us!

Today is Deacons’ Sunday.  Our four Deacons visit the sick, check on their individual Shepherd Group members, and bring food to help families in time of need.  They also determine how to spend the money from our Deacons’ Fund, which is used to help people with rent, medical insurance payments, prescriptions, gas and groceries.  During our offertory today, all the “loose plate†or cash not in specified envelopes will go toward the Deacons’ Fund.  If you would like to write a check, please make it out to the church and specify “Deacons’ Fund†on the memo line.  Thank you for supporting this vital ministry!

Today we recognize and congratulate the following graduates:
Dylan Gamble – Cy-Lakes High School
Sam Taylor – Cy-Lakes High School
Heather McMillen –
Master of Arts in Professional Counseling,
Stephen F. Austin University
Savannah McMillen –
Doctor of Physical Therapy
Texas Tech University

We celebrate and congratulate our WONDERFUL graduates!
New members joining our church!
Deacons’ Sunday
Thursday, May 26th
Ascension of our Lord
Sunday, May 29th
Memorial Day weekend
Stump the Choir Sunday
Sunday, June 5th
Communion Sunday
Gold Bag offering for Free the Captives
Sunday, June 12th
Trinity Sunday
Sunday, June 19th
Father’s Day