- Our current weekly worship attendance is 40 people (Zoom +   in-person), but our pre-pandemic worship attendance was 53.
- Beginning in August, our Nominating Committee will start their work to find 2 Session elders and 1 Deacon.
- We were awarded another grant from Presbytery of $4000 to fund our Young Music Minister (YMM) program through 2023.
- July 3 was the 11th anniversary of Pastor Mark serving Heritage PC as its pastor.
- On June 23, Pastor Mark received 8 hours of training for first-responders’ chaplains.  He is currently a hospice chaplain too.
Summer Sermon Series: Old Testament Prophets

Each sermon from mid-June through the end of July will focus on the messages brought by Old Testament prophets. These brave men were the voices of God to His people in the ancient years of Israel. In times of trouble, the people of God were still given repeated chances to return to His loving arms; that lesson still exists for all people everywhere.
June 19: Elijah (1st Kings 19) & Elisha (2nd Kings 5)
June 26: Malachi 3: 5-7
July 3: Jonah 3:1-10 and Nahum 1:2-13
July 10: Obadiah vv. 10-15
July 17:Â Amos chapters 7-8

Every other year, members of our denomination gather together to work on various statements and issues facing Presbyterians today. The decisions that are made at GA affect every local Presbytery, church, and Presbyterian in our country. HOWEVER, no major decisions can be made without the vote of the local presbyteries.
The General Assembly consists of commissioners elected by presbyteries. Half of the commissioners will be ruling elders, half will be teaching elders. Few will ever have been commissioners to the General Assembly before, but most will have served in one of the other governing bodies of our church: the session, which provides care and oversight of a local congregation; the presbytery, which provides care and oversight of a group of congregations; or the synod which provides care and oversight of several presbyteries.
It reviews the work of synods, resolves controversies in the church, is responsible for matters of common concern for the whole church, and serves as a symbol of unity for the church.
Stay tuned for more information coming out of GA and what votes may be coming up for us. Â

Sunday school – 9:15 in the library
Worship – begins at 10:30
Monday, July 18th
Session meeting, 7:00 PM via Zoom
Sunday, July 24th
Deacons’ Sunday
Deacons’ meeting, 7:00 via Zoom
Sunday, July 31st
Stump the Choir Sunday
Wednesday, August 3rd
Choir rehearsal resumes!
Sunday, August 7th
Communion Sunday
Gold Bag offering for Free the Captives
Choir returns!