Today we welcome Rev. Cindy Mood to fill our pulpit. She is originally from Kansas. After attaining her undergraduate degrees in Philosophy, Religion and Psychology, she moved to Austin for graduate school. There she attended Austin Presbyterian Theological Seminary and the University of Texas at Austin. In 2015, she graduated with her Master of Divinity and Master of Science of Social Work degrees. She has worked and served in a variety of capacities, including hospitals, nursing homes, hospice, small churches, Children’s ministry and prison settings. She currently is a full-time mom of Cyrus and Lena and works as the Clinical Director at a mental health clinic. She wants you to know she is honored to be filling your pulpit today and looks forward to meeting you after worship. Welcome Rev. Mood!

Today is the final “Undie Sunday.â€
Thank you for helping the children in our community!
For more excellent information, please visit their website:

On May 15th, we will have some folks joining our church as members!!!
If you have visited with us for a while and wish to become a member, please contact Pastor Mark.
There are three ways to join us:
- By transfer of letter from another PCUSA church
- By baptism (if you have never been baptized)
- By reaffirmation of faith
We hope you will consider joining our family of faith!

Mother’s Day
Sunday, May 15th
We celebrate and congratulate our WONDERFUL graduates!
New member joining our church!
Monday, May 16th
Session meeting, 7:00 PM via Zoom
Sunday, May 22nd
Deacons’ Sunday
Sunday, May 29th
Memorial Day weekend
Stump the Choir Sunday
Sunday, June 5th
Communion Sunday
Gold Bag offering for Free the Captives