Today is Deacons’ Sunday. We are one of the few small churches that still has a Board of Deacons. Our four Deacons visit the sick and those who are shut-ins, bring food to help families in time of need, and help the pastor keep tabs on individual members of our church community. They also determine how to spend the money from our Deacons’ Fund, which is used to help people with their rent, utility bills, medical insurance payments, prescriptions, as well as helping folks buy gas and groceries. During our offertory today, all the “loose plate†or cash not in specified envelopes will go toward the Deacons’ Fund. If you would like to write a check for this most worthy cause, please specify on the memo line. Thank you for supporting this vital ministry!

Beginning today, we are collecting new packages of children’s underwear to benefit Undies for Everyone.
This wonderful organization works to provide free, new underwear to schools with underserved children.
The next three Sundays between now and Mother’s Day are declared as “Undie Sundays.â€
Please bring your underwear package donations,
or your cash donations,
To our worship services during the next three Sundays.
And thank you for helping the children in our community!
For more excellent information, please visit their website:

Recently, some of our frequent visitors have asked about joining our church as members. This is a very simple process:
- First, you tell the pastor.
- The pastor will talk with you and find out about other churches you have attended and/or joined.
- The pastor will determine how you intend to join us:
- By transfer of letter from another PCUSA church
- By Baptism
- By reaffirmation of faith (Apostles’ Creed)
- The pastor will call a Session meeting before a worship service for the elders to meet you.
- The Session will hear your answer to 2 questions:
- Do you acknowledge Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?
- Will you work to support our church to the best of your ability?
- The Session will then vote on accepting you as a member of our church.
- The church will hear you also answer those 2 questions during a regular worship service.
- You are a member of Heritage PC!
To begin the process, contact Pastor Mark!

Deacons’ Sunday
Deacons’ meeting, 7:00 PM via Zoom
Sunday, May 1st
Communion Sunday
Gold Bag offering benefitting Free the Captives
Sunday, May 8th
Mother’s Day
Sunday, May 15th
Graduation Sunday!
We celebrate and congratulate our WONDERFUL graduates!
Monday, May 16th
Session meeting, 7:00 PM via Zoom
Sunday, May 29th
Memorial Day weekend
Stump the Choir Sunday