2nd Sunday of Christmas Announcements

What do Presbyterians believe about Baptism? (from the PCUSA Book of Order)

A water splash with the word baptism written underneath.

Baptism is the visible sign of God’s call and claim on a human life and of entrance into the membership of the church.

God pours out the gifts of the Holy Spirit upon each Christian in Baptism, and all are called to use these gifts for the glory of God.

Baptism is the sign and seal of our incorporation into Jesus Christ.

In his own baptism, Jesus identified himself with sinners – yet God claimed him as a beloved Son and sent the Holy Spirit to anoint him for service.

Baptism is at once God’s gift of grace, God’s means of grace, and God’s call to respond to that grace.

Through Baptism, Jesus Christ calls us to repentance, faithfulness, and discipleship.

Baptism is the bond of unity in Jesus Christ. When we are baptized, we are made one with Christ, with one another, and with the Church of every time and place.


Step 1: Nominating Committee presents slate of officers to the Session who sets the date for a congregational meeting.

A group of people with hands raised in the air.

(NOTE: the Session does NOT vote on proposed church officers except as part of the congregation.)

Step 2: On the date of the congregational meeting, Pastor Mark introduces the chair of the Nominating Committee who presents the slate of proposed officers to the congregation for a vote.

Step 3: Assuming the slate of officers is approved, all of them meet with Pastor Mark for general church officer training, as well as training for their specific job descriptions.

Step 4: The Session “examines†the nominated officers during a Session meeting to gauge their fitness for office. Once the examination is over, the Session votes on sustaining their examination.

Step 5: The new church officers are ordained and installed during a worship service.

A group of people sitting around a table with puzzle pieces.

Your PROPOSED Session

Moderator: Pastor Mark Plunkett

Clerk to the Session: Sue Crawford

Ministry Team for God’s House

Property Committee: Scott Hudson (nominated)

Resource & Management Committee: Chris Cancila

Ministry Team for God’s Word

Christian Education: Cheryl Bateman (nominated)

Worship: Liz Silva (nominated, 1-year term)

Ministry Team for God’s People

Fellowship & Hospitality: Mindy Boyd

Mission & Outreach: Ann Peterson

Board of Deacons

Laura Hudson        Sally Luker        Anna Record (nominated)

A calendar with the words upcoming events written on it.

TODAY: Baptism of the Lord

Communion Sunday

We renew our baptismal vows

Monday, January 9, 7:00 PM

Stated Session meeting in the church office

Monday, January 16:

Martin Luther King’s Birthday

Church office closed

Sunday, January 22:

Deacons’ Sunday

Sunday, January 29:

Stump the Choir Sunday!

Sometime later in January (date TBA):

Annual meeting of the congregation

Wednesday, February 22:

Ash Wednesday: Lent begins

Saturday, February 25:

Towne Lake Car Show