There will be a meeting of the congregation on Sunday, January 29, to be held immediately following our worship service. The following business will take place:
- The congregation will vote on the pastor’s annual terms of call.
- The congregation will vote on the proposed slate of church officers.
- The 2023 Budget and the overall financial situation of our church will be presented and discussed
- Each committee chair makes a brief presentation about the work that committee accomplished in 2022 and plans for 2023.
Step 1: Nominating Committee presents slate of officers to the Session who sets the date for a congregational meeting. [DONE]
(NOTE: the Session does NOT vote on proposed church officers except as part of the congregation.)
Step 2: At the congregational meeting on January 29th, Pastor Mark introduces the chair of the Nominating Committee who presents the slate of proposed officers to the congregation for a vote.
Step 3: If the slate of officers is approved by the congregation, all of them meet with Pastor Mark for general church officer training, as well as training for their specific job descriptions.
Step 4: The Session “examines†the nominated officers during a Session meeting to gauge their fitness for office. Once the examination is over, the Session votes on sustaining their examination.
Step 5: The new church officers are ordained and installed during a worship service sometime in early February.
Your PROPOSED Session

Moderator: Pastor Mark Plunkett
Clerk to the Session: Sue Crawford
Treasurer: Chris Cancila
Ministry Team for God’s House
Property Committee: Scott Hudson (nominated)
Resource & Management Committee: Chris Cancila
Ministry Team for God’s Word
Christian Education: Cheryl Bateman (nominated)
Worship: Liz Silva (nominated, 1-year term)
Ministry Team for God’s People
Fellowship & Hospitality: Mindy Boyd
Mission & Outreach: Ann Peterson
Board of Deacons
Laura Hudson        Sally Luker        Anna Record (nominated)

TODAY Sunday, January 22:
Deacons’ Sunday
Sunday, January 29:
Annual meeting of the congregation
Stump the Choir Sunday!
Sunday, February 5:
Communion Sunday
Gold Bag Sunday benefitting Free the Captives
Sunday, February 12:
Souper Bowl of Caring
Monday, February 13:
Session meeting, 7:00 PM in the church office
Wednesday, February 22:
Ash Wednesday, 7:00 PM
Lent begins
Saturday, February 25: Towne Lake Car Show