A Brief History of St. Patrick:
St. Patrick, or the “Apostle of Ireland,” actually started out in the pagan religion. While not much is known about his early life, as many of his life’s details were lost to folklore, letters from St. Patrick reveal that he was captured in Wales, Scotland, or another close area outside of Ireland and taken to Ireland as a slave. Years later, he escaped and returned to his family, who were Romans living in Britain, going back to Ireland for mission work after finding a place as a cleric and then Bishop within the Christian faith. He was born around 460, and by the 600s, he was already known as the Patron Saint of Ireland.
Another popular belief is that St. Patrick banished the snakes from Ireland. The story says that while St. Patrick was fasting, snakes attacked him, so he chased all snakes into the ocean. However, there have never been snakes in Ireland during the post-glacial period. The absence of snakes and symbolism involved with snakes is believed to explain the story, although it could have been referring to type of worm rather than snakes. A popular legend has St. Patrick sticking a walking stick into the ground while evangelizing, which turned into a tree.

Daylight Savings time begins
Worship Committee meets 12:00 noon
@ Whataburger on Barker-Cypress
March 12 – March 20: Spring Break
Pastor Mark on “stay-cationâ€
Monday, March 14
Stated Session meeting, 7:00 PM via Zoom
Thursday, Marcy 17
St. Patrick’s Day
Sunday, April 10th
Thursday, April 14th
Maundy Thursday service with Communion
7:00 PM
Friday, April 15th
Good Friday vespers and Stations of the Cross
3:00 PM
Sunday, April 17th
Easter Sunday
One Great Hour of Sharing offering