In honor of Father’s Day, please join us following our worship service today for an ice cream social with root beer floats for everyone!
Summer Sermon Series: Old Testament Prophets

For the rest of June and all of July, I am going to preach a sermon series on the Old Testament prophets. These brave men were the voices of God to His people in the ancient years of Israel. In each case, the prophet was called to bring a specific message (or a series of messages) to try to turn God’s people away from their sins. Sometimes their messages were heeded; most times they were not. Yet, in times of trouble, the people of God were still given repeated chances to return to His loving arms.
In our own troubling times, it is a worthy exercise to revisit these prophets and their messages, as well as try to discover if their messages could apply to us today.

Father’s Day
(Following our worship service)
Sunday, June 26th
Deacons’ Sunday
Deacons’ meeting, 7:00 PM via Zoom
Sunday, July 3rd
Communion Sunday
Independence Day celebration
Gold Bag Offering for Free the Captives
Sunday, July 10th
Christmas In July luncheon – pizza for everyone!
“White Elephant†gift exchange of Christmas ornaments
Sunday, July 10th – Sunday July 31st
Choir vacation
Monday, July 11th
Session meeting, 7:00 PM via Zoom