Next Sunday, October 30th, Jan Cancila will lead a special Sunday School class for all who are interested.  She will be discussing her recent mission trip to Zambiathrough her work with Sew Powerful, the organization we supported with our Peace & Global Witness donation.  Jan will have pictures, samples of the sewing materials that are used, and stories to tell about her amazing trip.  This very special class will meet at 9:00 AM in the Lodge Library, and everyone is welcome, invited, and invited to come!

At the November Session meeting, your Session of elders will begin to write our 2023 church budget. The last three years have been very difficult due to Covid and its lasting effects on our society, our church, and our finances. We have worked diligently to keep all our costs as low as possible, but we still need your help to continue to do the work the Lord calls this church to do.
Please prayerfully consider your tithe, fill out your stewardship pledge card, and turn it in.  The more information we have, the more accurate our budget can be. Thank you so much!

Heritage Presbyterian Church Financial Information
As you can see on the enclosed graph, our giving throughout most of 2022 lagged far behind our monthly needs of approximately $12,000. If not for two single large donations, our 2022 financials would be worse. Must of that total are “fixed costs†– meaning they cannot be lowered easily. They include:
- Salaries for six employees
- Three rents – Lodge, church office, 2 storage spaces
We continue to hold more than $1.3 million in the bank, but that is pledged to buy our new church home. If our giving does not improve or if unexpected gifts do not materialize, we may be forced to use part of our building funds to cover our budget.
Yes, we have building money, but we have not yet found a building in the greater 290 area to purchase that will fit our future needs.
Please consider all these things when considering your own tithe.
And THANK YOU for your support of our church!

TODAY, October 23
Deacons’ Sunday
Sunday, October 30th
Reformation Sunday
Stump-the-Choir Sunday
Monday, October 31st
All Hallows Eve (AKA Halloween)
Tuesday, November 1st
All Saints’ Day
Sunday, November 6th
Communion Sunday
Gold Bag offering benefitting Free the Captives
Sunday, November 13th
Stewardship pledge cards due
Monday, November 14th
Session meeting, 7:00 PM at the church office
Draft of church budget to be written
“Pie Day†at Postma Elementary School