Today our church returns to our traditional method of collecting the Sunday offering. During the singing of the offertory anthem, two ushers will circulate throughout the ballroom collecting the offering in plates. Please put your tithes in the plates and return them to the ushers.
Thank you for your help!

Today is “Gold Bag Sunday.†On this day, every table will have a few small gold bags. This special offering benefits Free the Captives, an organization that works to end human trafficking in our country – and especially in our area. All donations to this worthy cause should be put in the gold bags and placed in the offering plates when they come around.
Thank you for your support!

Communion Sunday
Gold Bag Sunday – benefitting Free the Captives
March 12 – March 20: Spring Break
Pastor Mark on “stay-cationâ€
Sunday, March 13th
Daylight Savings time begins
Sunday, April 10th
Thursday, April 14th
Maundy Thursday service with Communion
7:00 PM
Friday, April 15th
Good Friday vespers and Stations of the Cross
7:00 PM
Sunday, April 17th
Easter Sunday
Ministers: All members of Heritage PC
Pastor: Rev. Mark Plunkett
Church Office Administrator: Wendy, Ballard
Music Director: Nancy Kissinger
Worship Tech Administrator: Dylan Gamble
Worship Set-up Coordinator: Elizabeth Cisneros
Young Music Ministers:
Ashlyn Colwell Dylan Gamble
Skylar Lloyd Sam Taylor
Ministry Team for God’s House:
Property: Gary Shapley
Resource & Management: Chris Cancila
Ministry Team for God’s People:
Fellowship & Hospitality: Mindy Boyd
Mission & Outreach: Ann Peterson
Ministry Team for God’s Word:
Christian Education: Katie McMillen
Worship: Carol Beverlin
Betty Brown Laura Hudson
Sally Luker Liz Silva
Core Group:
Marguerite Lapetina Ann Peterson
Jodie Smith Gary Wayne Whitfield