18th Sunday After Pentecost Announcements

A poster of people holding hands with the words " peace at all times in all ways ".

Yes, the Peace & Global Witness offering was collected last Sunday, BUT you still have time to add your gift to the total.  We are waiting an extra week or two to make sure we have everything before we send our checks.

If you have not given yet, please do so!

A word that is painted to spell out youth.

Youth Sunday is NEXT Sunday, October 16th.

We will have a special speaker to bring the word to us.

We will also have some “special guests†who will assist with our worship service!  Make plans to join us!

A calendar with the words upcoming events written on it.

Through October 31st

Nominating Committee continues working

TODAY, October 9th

Worship @ 10:30 AM

Monday, October 10th

Session meeting, 7:00 at church office

Sunday, October 16th

Youth Sunday

Sunday, October 23rd

Deacons’ Sunday

Sunday, October 30th

Reformation Sunday

Stump-the-Choir Sunday

Sunday, November 6th

Communion Sunday