12th Sunday After Pentecost

A red banner with the words " end of summer ".

Sunday, September 10th

 Lunch immediately following our worship service  

Celebrate the end of summer

Wear Hawaiian shirts

Enjoy food, fellowship and fun with YOUR church family

A brick wall with the words strategic plan written on it.

During the past few months, your Session has been carefully working together as we create a strategic plan for our church.  We agree that some changes are necessary in order for our church to become a successful, growing church in the greater Cypress/North Houston area.  We have studied your responses and the data obtained from the recent congregational survey, and here are our goals we have so far:

1.  Find a location that enables us to reach out to more potential church members. (Property Committee is in charge of this goal.)

2.  Become financially healthier and more stable. (Resource & Management Committee is in charge of this goal.)3.  Bring in a more diverse congregation and generate growth.(Worship, Christian Education, Mission & 

A calendar with the words upcoming events written on it.

Month of August

Nominating Committee continues its work


Sunday School class:  Presbyterianism 101, 9:15AM

Worship Committee meets in the Ballroom following our service

Wednesday, August 23

Choir rehearsal: 7:00 PM in the Ballroom

Thursday, August 24

Weekly Bible Study, 12:30 via Zoom

Sunday, August 27

Sunday School class:  Presbyterianism 101, 9:15 AM

Deacon’s Sunday

Monday, August 28

First Day of School for all Cy-Fair ISD schools

Sunday, September 2

Communion Sunday

Monday, September 4

Labor Day – church office closed


End-of-Summer Bash, lunch served following worship service