Today we praise God for all the children of God in our midst, especially the youth of our church.
We thank Keiana Kreitz for preaching the sermon today.
We thank Michael Shapley for serving as liturgist.
We thank Dylan Gamble and Keiana for singing our offertory hymn.
And we thank all the youth in our church family for their participation over the year.
May the Father of us all bless you and keep you safe!
Highlights from the October 11 stated Session meeting:
- Our realtor, Herman Munster, will preach next Sunday, with Pastor Mark serving as liturgist.
- Budget-writing Session meeting will be Monday, November 15th at 7:00 PM via Zoom
- A congregational meeting will be held after worship on  Sunday, October 31st, to elect new church officers
- Heard report on possible short-term investing options for our building fund
- Stewardship campaign will aim to continue our steady income and management of expenses
- Agreed to make social distancing and mask wearing optional for all members, guests, and friends
- Heard a report in which churches and educational organizations may continue to use Zoom long after the current pandemic recedes.  Many people find it much more convenient.  Heritage PC will continue to offer a Zoom option for all worship services and most Session and committee meetings.
- Heard a report from Personnel regarding Pastor Mark’s proposed terms of call for 2022.  These terms will be voted upon by the congregation at the annual meeting in January.
Youth Sunday
Monday – Friday, October 18-22
Pastor Mark is out of town attending a conference
Sunday, October 24
Deacons’ Sunday
Sunday, October 31
Reformation Sunday
Sunday, November 7
Communion Sunday
Camp Hope outreach benefitting veterans (more details later!)
“Gold Bag†Sunday benefitting Free the Captives
Monday, November 15
Postma “Pie Day†for the staff
Sunday, November 28
Advent begins!
Sunday, December 5
Advent Pancake Breakfast
Saturday, December 11, 11:30 AMLadies’ Christmas Luncheon @ French Quarter Restaurant