Twenty Second Sunday After Pentecost Announcements

Today we are proud to welcome our commercial realtor and friend, Herman Munster, to our pulpit.  Herman is a Bible teacher and Christian worker with over forty years’ experience. He has an ongoing commitment to helping couples, singles and youth enter into a personal relationship with Christ and going on into spiritual maturity through the study of God’s Word.  Herman himself came to Christ in 1976 through Campus Crusade for Christ’s “I Found It” campaign.

Herman is currently our commercial realtor seeking our new church home.  He and Pastor Mark have been friends for many years.

A logo of the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints.

Today is Deacons’ Sunday. We are one of the few small churches that still has a Board of Deacons. Our four Deacons maintain and update the Prayer Chain, visit the sick and those who are shut-ins, and bring food to help families in time of need. They also determine how to spend the money from our Deacons’ Fund, which is used to help people with their rent, utility bills, medical insurance payments, prescriptions, as well as helping folks buy gas and groceries. During our offertory today, all the “loose plate†or cash not in specified envelopes will go toward the Deacons’ Fund. If you would like to write a check for this most worthy cause, please specify on the memo line. Thank you for supporting this vital ministry!

Camp Hope

In honor of Veterans Day, and to help support local veterans, Heritage is conducting a mission drive for the PTSD Foundation of America.  This is a local organization—located off Beltway 8 in northwest Houston—that works to bring hope and healing to combat veterans and their families suffering from the effects of combat-related post-traumatic stress. One of PTSDFA’s primary means of helping veterans is through Camp Hope, a residential facility for veterans who suffer from PTSD.  Camp Hope’s needs are ongoing and varied—but they can always use gift cards for groceries, facilities maintenance, and household goods. We’ll collect gift cards for Kroger, HEB, Home Depot, Lowe’s, Walmart, and Target to provide to Camp Hope. Any amount is welcome! Please bring your gift cards to worship or to the church office by Sunday, November 7. This simple act of kindness can make a big difference in the lives of our Houston-area veteran who need help, and set them on the road to healing.

A calendar with the words upcoming events written on it.


Herman Munster preaches today

Deacons’ Sunday

Sunday, October 31


Reformation Sunday

Sunday, November 7

Communion Sunday

Camp Hope outreach benefitting veterans with PTSD

“Gold Bag†Sunday benefitting Free the Captives

Monday, November 15

Postma “Pie Day†for the staff

Monday, November 15, 7:00 PM

Annual budget writing meeting of the Session

Thursday, November 25

Thanksgiving Holiday

Sunday, November 28

Advent begins!

Sunday, December 5

Advent Pancake Breakfast

Saturday, December 11, 11:30 AM

Ladies’ Christmas Luncheon @ French Quarter Restaurant