Highlights from November 8 Session meeting:
- Approved new $5000 tech grant proposal
- Prepared for 2022 Budget writing meeting on Monday, November 15th
- Set date for Session examination of new church officers
- Discussion of current social distancing/mask policy
- Heard decision of Deacons to send “goodies†to first-responders and medical personnel in our church as our “thank you†for their continuing good and faithful work; this will be done prior to Thanksgiving
- Heard update on annual reviews for Mark, Nancy, and Cathy

- Our average weekly worship attendance is approximately 75% of our pre-pandemic totals…
- We are hoping to add as many as two more Young Music Ministers.  If you know of any high school or college age students, please let them know…
- If we are awarded the $5000 tech grant that we applied for from our Presbytery, it will mean that almost $90,000 has been awarded to our church since 2013…
- We are planning a Blue Christmas service on Sunday, December 19th at 7:00 PM.  This will be a very special service for those who feel the pain of loss especially during the holidays.  We want them to never forget God is still there (and we are too!)

Monday, November 15
Morning: Postma “Pie Day†for the staff
Annual budget writing meeting of the Session 7:00 PM
Sunday, November 21
Christ the King Sunday
Thursday, November 25
Thanksgiving Holiday
Sunday, November 28
1st Sunday of Advent: Hope
Sunday, December 5
2nd Sunday of Advent: Peace
Advent Pancake Breakfast
Communion Sunday
“Gold Bag†Sunday benefitting Free the Captives
Saturday, December 11, 11:30 AM
Ladies’ Christmas Luncheon @ French Quarter Restaurant
Sunday, December 12
3rd Sunday of Advent: Joy
Choir Program
Sunday, December 19
4th Sunday of Advent: Love
Blue Christmas service at 7:00 PM