Our Nominating Committee is actively pursuing candidates to become new church officers in 2022.  We will need deacons, Session elders, and congregational members of the next Nominating Committee.  We are always looking for church members who are willing (and even eager) to serve us.  Please examine your heart and consider serving if you are asked.  Thank you so much!

In Sunday school, the film series “The Chosen” will begin on August 22. The producer, Dallas Jenkins says, “This series offers viewers a glimpse into what the daily and extraordinary life of Jesus Christ and his disciples might have looked like 2,000 years ago and invites the viewer into His story.”  It is a historical fiction series but with specific events and quotes from the Bible. You will never view Jesus nor his disciples the same way after watching this series.

Last Sunday’s tithes and offerings: $4,141.00
PLEASE remember to support your church, especially during the summer months. Thanks!

We have multiple formats on the Internet which can be easily accessed to hear various messages from our pastor. These include:
- 2-minute Bible lessons on Instagram
- Sunday Children’s sermons on Facebook Live
- Pre-recorded Sunday sermons posted on the church web page
- Weekly devotionals sent via email with the Intercessory Prayers concerns
- Live Sunday morning worship via Zoom
Check them out and see what else you might enjoy!

Sunday, Aug. 15 Pastor Mark returns to the pulpit
Monday, Aug. 16 Stated Session meeting, 7:00 PM via Zoom
Sunday, Aug. 22 Sunday school classes resume
                                      Deacons’ Sunday
Monday, Aug. 23 First Day of School in Cy-Fair ISD
Sunday, Sept. 5 Hawaiian shirt Sunday
                                       Communion Sunday
                                       Gold Bag offering for Free the Captives
Monday, Sept. 6 Labor Day (church office closed)
Sunday, Sept. 26 Deacons’ Sunday
Sunday, Oct. 3 World Communion Sunday
                                       Peace & Global Witness special offering
Sunday, Oct. 10 41st Anniversary of Heritage PC
Sunday, Oct. 17 Youth Sunday