Today is the fifth Sunday of this month, and that means it’s “Stump the Choir†Sunday! On this Sunday, the members of the congregation select ALL the hymns for our worship service – even the offertory anthem. When the time for a hymn arrives, the pastor will ask for suggestions, and the congregation may call out a specific hymn for the choir to sing. If the choir is not “stumped†– we will sing it! But remember: the music director gets to choose the final hymn! So be ready when the pastor calls for hymns today!
Last Sunday’s tithes and offerings = $3,618.09 Thank you for your generosity!

Only one more Sunday Peanut Butter and Jam 4 CAM! Each summer we collect peanut butter and jam/jelly for the Cypress Assistance Ministry’s food bank. This will help to feed needy children who may not receive free/ reduced meal when school is out; this summer there will most likely be more children to feed than in previous years. This project ends next Sunday, June 6th. Please bring jars of peanut butter and jam (any brand, any flavor) to the Lodge so we can gather our offering for CAM. Thank you for your support!

Could it be that we are going to close on the sale of our church property by the end of May? We certainly hope so! But please remember the following: Without God’s support, nothing we are planning will come to proper fruition! So please keep our church in your prayers!

Next week, Pastor Mark will be out of the office on his first out-of-state vacation since the summer of 2019.
He will be out of the office from Wednesday, June 2 through Saturday, June 5. He will be back in the pulpit next Sunday as usual. If you need any help while he is gone, please contact one of the elders or your deacon.

TODAY Trinity Sunday
Peanut Butter & Jam 4 CAM continues!
Monday, May 31 Memorial Day (church office closed)
Tuesday, June 1 Ladies’ Bible Study, 10:30 AM
Thursday, June 3 Pastor’s Bible Study, 12:30 PM
Sunday, June 6 Communion Sunday
                                     Free the Captives gold bag offering
                                     Peanut Butter & Jam 4 CAM ends
                                      Heritage Lodge Open House, 2-5 PM
Monday, June 14 Flag Day
Sunday, June 20 Father’s Day
Sunday, July 4 Communion Sunday
                                      Independence Day
Sunday, July 11 “Christmas in July†lunch celebration
July 11 – August 1 Choir is off for vacation
Fall 2021 HPC Sunday school classes resume