Highlights from August’s Session meeting:
- Approved contract with our real estate broker
- Heard report on Back-to-School refreshments served to Postma Elementary School faculty/staff
- Discussed investment options for our building fund
- Heard an excellent report on the state of our church spending (within budget ranges inn virtually all categories)
- Continue to wait on progress of our lawsuit vs. HCAD in pursuit on back taxes paid on former church property

In Sunday school, the film series “The Chosen” began TODAY, August 22, in the library. The producer, Dallas Jenkins says, “This series offers viewers a glimpse into what the daily and extraordinary life of Jesus Christ and his disciples might have looked like 2,000 years ago and invites the viewer into His story.” It is a historical fiction series but with specific events and quotes from the Bible. You will never view Jesus nor his disciples the same way after watching this series. JOIN US!

Our Music Director, Nancy Kissinger, will be directing this musical at The Foundry Church on Fry Road. Auditions will be held on: Friday, August 27, 6-9 PM and Saturday, August 28, 9AM – 6PM Both children and adults are encouraged to audition for parts. Register at this web address: The Best Christmas Pageant Ever the Musical | Cy-Hope

Last Sunday’s tithes and offerings: $1025.00
PLEASE remember to support your church, especially during the summer months. Thanks!
Offerings for July: $1065 UNDER budget
Offerings for the year-to-date: $10,286 OVER budget (This includes funds received for extending the contract on the sale of our church property.)
Remember that today is Deacons’ Sunday. All “loose plate†given will go to support our Deacons’ Fund. If you would like to donate using a check, please make it out to the church and write “Deacons’ Fund†on the memo line.
Sunday school classes resume
Deacons’ Sunday
Monday, August 23
First Day of School in Cy-Fair ISD
Sunday, September 5
Hawaiian shirt Sunday
Communion Sunday
Gold Bag offering for Free the Captives
Monday, September 6
Labor Day (church office closed)
Sunday, September 26
Deacons’ Sunday
Sunday, October 3
World Communion Sunday
Peace & Global Witness special offering
Sunday, October 10
41st Anniversary of Heritage PC
Sunday, October 17
Youth Sunday