Highlights from September Session meeting:
- Our Nominating Committee presented slate of officer nominations for the next class; slate to be presented to the congregation for a vote in October
- Discussed recent deaths in the church, serious illnesses of members and our greater community – and our obligations as church officers and congregation members
- Surplus of $1800 in giving for August!
- Personnel Chair, Jodie Smith, will meet with Pastor Mark for preliminary discussions regarding 2022 Terms of Call
- Church budget to be written at a called Session meeting in November

PCUSA Peace & Global Witness Offering is an annual offering collected on World Communion Sunday. Each year, our church donates 25% of this offering to a recipient of our choice. In the past, we have given to recovery efforts in Bastrop following devastating forest fire in 2011 and a flooded PCUSA church in Louisiana in 2019. This year our Mission & Outreach committee will be investigating where our donation should be sent.
Please give generously on World Communion Sunday, October 3rd

Your 2021 Nominating Committee has finished their work for the next class of church officers. Here is the proposed slate of officers for the class of 2024:
Resource & Management Elder – Chris Cancila
Fellowship & Hospitality Elder – Mindy Boyd
Deacon – Sally Luker
We thank our Nominating Committee for doing a wonderful job.  The proposed slate of officers will be voted on by the congregation in October.

Our Sunday School class meeting in the Lodge library has changed their beginning time.  Because of the length of the videos from the series, “The Chosen,â€Â they will now meet at 9:00 AM instead of 9:30.  This extraordinary series offers a glimpse into what the daily life of Jesus Christ and his disciples might have looked like 2000 years ago.  Everyone is still encouraged, invited, and welcome to join them!

TODAY: Church at worship
Sunday, September 26
Deacons’ Sunday
Sunday, October 3
World Communion Sunday
Peace & Global Witness special offering
Sunday, October 10
41st Anniversary of Heritage PC and Church Reunion
“Taco Bar†luncheon following our worship service
Sunday, October 17
Youth Sunday
Sunday, October 31
Reformation Sunday
Sunday, November 7
Camp Hope outreach benefitting veterans (more details later!)
Monday, November 15
Postma “Pie Day†for the staff
Sunday, December 5
Advent Pancake Breakfast
Saturday, December 11
Ladies’ Christmas Luncheon @ French Quarter Restaurant