February 28, 2021 2nd Sunday in Lent Scripture readings – Genesis 17: 1-7,15-16 and Mark 8:31-38 In the days following the end of World War II, Americans of all kinds returned from the business of war and got back to normal. Or …
February 28, 2021 2nd Sunday in Lent Scripture readings – Genesis 17: 1-7,15-16 and Mark 8:31-38 In the days following the end of World War II, Americans of all kinds returned from the business of war and got back to normal. Or …
Scripture – Matthew 6: 1-4 Theme: Giving alms is something the people of God have been asked to do for generations. Giving after a national disaster – such as the winter storms in Texas last week – seems to bring …
February 21, 2021 1st Sunday in Lent Scripture readings – Nehemiah 9: 1-8 and Genesis 9: 8-17 How many of you had a tough week last week? How many of you lost power at least once? Anyone still without power? Anyone lose …
February 14, 2021 Transfiguration of the Lord Scripture readings – 2nd Corinthians 4: 3-12 and Mark 9: 2-9 In 1949, in an area near the fabled Dead Sea, Bedouin shepherds were searching for missing goats from their herds. One of the young shepherd …
Scripture – Proverbs 14:30 Theme: One of my schoolmates from the 4th grade was the ONLY kid in the room to get a perfect score on an easy spelling test. He was my good friend – but because of jealousy, …
February 7, 2021 Fifth Sunday After Epiphany Scripture reading – Mark 1: 29-39 In American culture and in American history, it has been common to use a bell to summon the people for some task. When the bell rings at a school, …
Scripture – John 5:14 Theme: No matter how bad our lives might appear to be, “it could always be worse.” Learning that lesson the hard way is something no one wants to experience!