Scripture – Ephesians 2: 1-10 Theme: Paul tells us that we are rich in the grace of God who loves and forgives us. That is our greatest TREASURE!
March 7, 2021 3rd Sunday in Lent Scripture reading – John 2: 13-22 Two weeks ago, when the cold weather hit and our power went out and our water stopped coming through the pipes, my wife and I “hunkered down” in …
Scripture – Philippians 4:6 and 1st Thessalonians 5:17 Theme: March 5 is the World Day of Prayer, an ecumenical idea first started in 1887. Christians and Christian groups around the world join in prayer for all people on the earth. …
February 28, 2021 2nd Sunday in Lent Scripture readings – Genesis 17: 1-7,15-16 and Mark 8:31-38 In the days following the end of World War II, Americans of all kinds returned from the business of war and got back to normal. Or …
Scripture – Matthew 6: 1-4 Theme: Giving alms is something the people of God have been asked to do for generations. Giving after a national disaster – such as the winter storms in Texas last week – seems to bring …
February 21, 2021 1st Sunday in Lent Scripture readings – Nehemiah 9: 1-8 and Genesis 9: 8-17 How many of you had a tough week last week? How many of you lost power at least once? Anyone still without power? Anyone lose …
February 14, 2021 Transfiguration of the Lord Scripture readings – 2nd Corinthians 4: 3-12 and Mark 9: 2-9 In 1949, in an area near the fabled Dead Sea, Bedouin shepherds were searching for missing goats from their herds. One of the young shepherd …
Scripture – Proverbs 14:30 Theme: One of my schoolmates from the 4th grade was the ONLY kid in the room to get a perfect score on an easy spelling test. He was my good friend – but because of jealousy, …
February 7, 2021 Fifth Sunday After Epiphany Scripture reading – Mark 1: 29-39 In American culture and in American history, it has been common to use a bell to summon the people for some task. When the bell rings at a school, …