The annual meeting of our congregation will take place immediately following worship on Sunday, January 24, 2021. Each Session elder will give a brief presentation, the 2021 budget will be presented, and the membership will vote on Mark’s new terms of call. The annual report is always posted on our web site.

The Heritage Lodge is currently undergoing rennovation and repairs. The work may affect our indoor and in-person worship schedule. We will alert everyone as much in advance as possible.

A “Tip of the Hat†to all those who came out to help us move the Advent and Christmas items out of the Lodge’s closet and back in our storage units. These good people also rearranged items in the closet that we are keeping and made our shelves neater and much more organized.
Thank you so much!

Property Sales Countdown: Effective Sunday, January 3, 2021, the sales contract on our church property has been in effect for 28 days. The contract has a 90-day inspection period. Therefore, we have more than 60 days left to go before this sale can be finalized. Please keep praying!

Coming soon: Updated Deacons’ Shepherd GroupsDeacons will meet with the Pastor very soon to discuss who will be in which Shepherd Group. Each Deacon is given a list of people in the church to look after and care for. We will let you know what we decide!

Dec. 27th Worship attendance = 40
For 2020, we also averaged 40 per service. This includes in-person, Zoom, and pre-recorded Scripture/sermon videos.
(Pre-Covid in 2019 and early 2020, worship attendance averaged 53.)

The traditional Christmas Eve offertory benefitting the Deacons’ Fund was $128.

The December 29th deposit was $1057.00 from tithes and offerings.
Thank you so much for your continued generosity and faithful support!