Second Sunday of Advent Announcements

The Christmas Joy Offering has been a cherished Presbyterian tradition since the 1930s. The Offering distributes gifts equally to the Assistance Program of the Board of Pensions and to Presbyterian-related schools and colleges equipping communities of color. The Assistance Program provides critical financial support to church workers and their families. Presbyterian-related schools and colleges provide education and leadership development while nurturing racial and ethnic heritage. This has been a Presbyterian commitment for nearly 140 years.


There will be a Blue Christmas service on Sunday, December 19th at 7:00 PM.  This will be a very special service for those who feel the pain of loss especially during the holidays.  We want them to never forget God is still there with them (and we are too!)

This wonderful organization works constantly to combat and to end human sex trafficking throughout Houston and the world.  As Christians we are called to fight against wickedness like this!  Today is our monthly “Gold Bag” offering for this organization.  Please give generously to the gold bags that are on each table, and thank you for your support!

15 Poinsettias will be available to purchase this Christmas for $8.50.  All plants are ordered from Brookwood, a facility that enables citizens with special needs to work and contribute to society and their own self-esteem.  If you would like to order one, complete an order form and give it to our Worship Elder, Carol Beverlin.  All poinsettias will be displayed on Christmas Eve and may be taken home after the service.

Order forms are available today and are on the tables.



2nd Sunday of Advent: Peace

Advent Pancake Breakfast

Bring your Christmas Jars!

Communion Sunday

“Gold Bag” Sunday benefitting Free the Captives

Monday, December 6, 7:00 PM

Stated Session meeting and examination of new officers

Saturday, December 11, 11:30 AM

Ladies’ Christmas Luncheon @ French Quarter Restaurant

Sunday, December 12

3rd Sunday of Advent: Joy

Joy Gift

Choir Program: “The Other Wise Man”

Sunday, December 19

4th Sunday of Advent: Love

Blue Christmas service at 7:00 PM

Friday, December 24, 7:00 PM

Candlelight Christmas Eve service of Lessons and Carols

Sunday, December 26

1st Sunday of Christmas