Palm Sunday Announcements

A logo for heritage has talent, with the words " heritage has talent ".

Hopefully, you are considering what you have to offer as a talent that could be listed in our on-line catalog.  

Please carefully consider how you can be a part of this exciting fundraiser.

Tell your neighbors, tell your friends, and send the message to all the contacts in your email listing.

The more listings we can arrange, the more funds we can potentially raise.

One more thing: Set a goal for yourself of how much money you can raise. Then get busy on achieving (and exceeding!) that goal.

A blue world map with the words " you shall be repairers of this great hour."

Every year, on Easter Sunday, our church participates in a special PCUSA offering:  One Great Hour of Sharing.

This offering goes toward helping people around the world suffering from hunger, coping with disasters, or needing a helping hand with development in their communities.

For more information, please refer to the inserts in each Holy Week order of worship, and use the special offering envelopes for your offering on Easter Sunday.

A group of people sitting around a table with puzzle pieces.

Your Session will be meeting on Saturday, April 22nd, at Pastor Mark’s home in Spring Branch.  The purpose of this meeting is to create a new strategic plan for our church.  We have done this previously, but Covid interrupted our attempts to move forward. Since then, difficult trends have begun in churches across our country.

What should we do and how should we address our own specific issues?  Those are questions your Session will attempt to address.  

Please keep your Session in your most fervent prayers!

A calendar with the words upcoming events written on it.

TODAY – Palm Sunday, April 2:

Holy Week begins

Annual Pancake Breakfast: 9:15 AM

HERITAGE HAS TALENT enrollment assistance continues

Maundy Thursday, April 6:

Worship service at 7:00 PM in the Lodge

Katy New Hope PC joins us

Good Friday, April 7:

Worship service at Katy New Hope PC @ 6:30 PM

1350 N Mason Rd, Katy, TX 77449

Easter Sunday, April 9:

The tomb is empty!  He is risen!

One Great Hour of Sharing special offering

Saturday, April 15:

Last day for HERITAGE HAS TALENT enrollment

Sunday, April 16:

HERITAGE HAS TALENT Catalog publication date

We start accepting donations and “Ordersâ€

Saturday, April 22:

Session Strategic Planning retreat at Pastor Mark’s home, 10AM

May 1 – May 31:

Congregation uses their talents as thank-you’s for donations