PCUSA Peace & Global Witness Offering is an annual offering collected on World Communion Sunday. Each year, our church donates 25% of this offering to a recipient of our choice. In 2011, we gave to recovery efforts in Bastrop following a devastating forest fire, and in 2019 we gave to a small, flood-damaged PCUSA church in Louisiana.
This year our Mission & Outreach committee decided to send our 25% to First Presbyterian Church of Dickinson, TX. This wonderful, welcoming church is still trying to repair major damage done to their buildings by Hurricane Harvey 4 years ago!
Please give generously TODAY as we participate in this year’s World Communion Sunday, October 3rd
41st Anniversary of Heritage Presbyterian Church!!

Next Sunday, October 10th, we will celebrate the 41st anniversary of our church’s founding way back in 1980.
Immediately following our worship service, everyone is invited to join us for lunch.
We will have a “Taco Bar†set up that includes taco meats and all the fixings.
We invite everyone to join us next Sunday for this special celebration of Heritage PC!

World Communion Sunday is a celebration observed by several Christian denominations, taking place on the first Sunday of every October, that promotes Christian unity and ecumenical cooperation. It focuses on an observance of the Eucharist. The tradition was begun in 1933 by Rev. Dr. Hugh Thomson Kerr, who ministered in the Shadyside Presbyterian Church. Dr. Kerr first conceived the notion of World Communion Sunday in 1930 during his year as moderator of the General Assembly. World Communion Sunday grew out of the Division of Stewardship at Shadyside. It was their attempt to bring churches together in a service of Christian unity – in which everyone might receive both inspiration and information, and above all, to know how important the Church of Jesus Christ is, and how each congregation is interconnected one with another. It was then adopted throughout the US Presbyterian Church in 1936 and subsequently spread to other denominations. In 1940, the Federal Council of Churches (now the National Council of Churches), endorsed World Communion Sunday and began to promote it to Christian churches worldwide.
World Communion Sunday
Peace & Global Witness special offering
Ministry Team for God’s People meets following worship
Sunday, October 10
41st Anniversary of Heritage PC and Church Reunion
“Taco Bar†luncheon following our worship service
Sunday, October 17
Youth Sunday
Sunday, October 31
Reformation Sunday
Sunday, November 7
Camp Hope outreach benefitting veterans (more details later!)
Monday, November 15
Postma “Pie Day†for the staff
Sunday, December 5
Advent Pancake Breakfast
Advent begins!
Saturday, December 11
Ladies’ Christmas Luncheon @ French Quarter Restaurant